In a proclamation Thursday, authorities said the foot found in the recreation area’s Chasm Pool had a place with Il Hun Ro, a 70-year-old from Los Angeles, California. Specialists accept

Ro’s foot was inside a shoe when it was first found by staff in August, park authorities said.

Yellowstone policing an examination after the find and got a positive DNA distinguishing proof over the most recent three weeks.

“Not entirely set in stone, supposedly, that an unwitnessed episode including one individual occurred on the morning of July 31, 2022, at Pit Pool, and no unfairness happened,” authorities said.

“In view of an absence of proof, the conditions encompassing the demise of Ro stay obscure,” authorities added.

— People (@people) November 17, 2022

Ro’s family has been advised of the discoveries. After the foot was found, authorities briefly shut West Thumb Spring Bowl and its parking area, per a past assertion from the recreation area.

They likewise delivered a preventative notification to guests.

“Guests are reminded to remain on footpaths and trails in warm regions and exercise intense wariness around warm highlights,” authorities composed.

“The ground in aqueous regions is delicate and slight, and there is burning water just beneath the surface.”

The Pit Pool has a profundity of in excess of 50 feet and is quite possibly of Yellowstone’s most profound. Temperatures can arrive at 140 degrees Fahrenheit.