In the meeting, Isla, 7, and Alexis, 4, ask the entertainer, who depicts a satyr (half-man, half-goat) in the film, what his #1 creature is.

“Our own is a canine,” Isla, who is sitting close to her own shaggy companion, says with a chuckle.

Then, Alexis rings in: “And furthermore, is yours a crocodile?” “Gracious, my golly, that is charming,” the Aquaman entertainer, 43, says prior to sharing his partiality for big felines: “I love lions.”

Five-year-old Madison makes the entertainer grin by praising him on his “decent, scraggly facial hair.”

The little kid, clad in a Miracle Lady ensemble, likewise asks Momoa what his superpower would be, on the off chance that he had one.

“I would need to have a superpower that could end up being useful to save our seas and salvage it from all the rubbish,” the Round of Lofty positions entertainer answers.

“And all the mischief that is occurring to our planet.” Momoa then, at that point, uncovers to Clara, 7, that he has adored the sea some time before he was given a role as its superhuman defender. “At the point when I was close to nothing, I needed to be a sea life scholar,” the entertainer shares. “I generally needed to work with dolphins and sharks.

Furthermore, I needed to figure out how I can help our planet by saving the sea.” In the charming meeting, Momoa likewise uncovers that he has a serious sweet tooth.

At the point when Charlotte, 5, asks about the entertainer’s #1 sweet, he says it’s his “grandma’s fruity dessert,” yet he likewise adores getting a charge out of New York-style cheesecake with his mother — and he cherishes Hot Tamales. “I have them with popcorn,” Momoa tells Luke, 7, the young person who got some information about his #1 treats.

“Furthermore, I can’t watch a film — and a film isn’t a film — except if I have popcorn and Hot Tamales,” he proceeds, prior to tending to the young person straightforwardly: “You must have it Luke, OK?” The entertainer’s Slumberland character is an abnormally comedic job for the entertainer, and one that he says “opened a ton of things for me.”

“It blew me away, and I just was so close to home,” Momoa told Individuals recently in the wake of watching the film interestingly. “This job just let me truly be free, and the person is so fun.”

See Jason Momoa in Slumberland, debuting Nov. 18 on Netflix.