According to Assortment, the 71-year-old star and Whiting documented a claim in St Nick Monica Prevalent Court on December 30, 2022, expressing that the creation organization s*xually took advantage of them and disseminated their naked pictures when they were youngsters.

Helmed by Franco Zeffirelli, Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting were 15 and 16 individually when they went for Romeo and Juliet.

The film got named for four Institute Grants yet in addition made debate over a room scene that showed Hussey’s brasts and Whiting’s butocks.

Olivia Hussey was guaranteed no bareness will be delivered in the film

As per the claim, the movie’s chief Zeffirelli, who died in 2019, guaranteed Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting that there would be no bareness in the film, and for the room scene, they would be wearing skin-shaded garments.

Be that as it may, as the days drew nearer of shooting the scene, Zeffirelli supposedly convinced them to play out the scene naked with body cosmetics on, or the “film would fizzle.”

The claim likewise asserted that the chief showed the pair where the camera would be set and guaranteed them no naked scenes would be available in the film, yet all at once the opposite occurred.

While addressing Assortment, the business director for the two entertainers, Tony Marinozzi, expressed:

“Everything that they were said and what went on were two distinct things. They confided in Franco. At 16, as entertainers, they took his lead that he wouldn’t abuse that trust they had. Franco was their companion, and frankly, at 16, what do they do? There are no choices. There was no #MeToo.” The claim likewise expressed that both Olivia Hussey and Whiting languished mental and close to home misery over 55 years after Romeo and Juliet was delivered and, surprisingly, lost proficient open doors. They had a restricted acting profession after the film.

In a meeting with the distribution, Solomon Gresen, Hussey and Whiting’s lawyer, said:

“Bare pictures of minors are unlawful and ought not be displayed. These were exceptionally youthful gullible kids during the ’60s who had no comprehension of what was going to hit them. Out of nowhere they were popular at a level they never expected, and moreover they were disregarded in a way they didn’t have any idea how to manage.”

Born on April 17, 1951, Olivia Hussey is a local of Buenos Aires, Argentina. She made her big screen debut with Romeo and Juliet, and later featured in films like Infection and Passing on The Nile.