The couples are isolated into two manors in the Allurement Island design when new individuals are integrated into the gatherings. On the show, it is addressed in the event that the couples stay with their most memorable relationship. This season, the other five couples other than Guillem and Sara are Vicky and Inma, Asier and Irene, Lucia and Antonio, Miguel and Alejandro, and Maria and Javier. They desire to acquire as much as 100,000 euros in prize cash while exhibiting their obligation to each other.

Sara and Guillem have joined the unscripted tv show in order to win the monetary reward home. Sara is 23 years of age while Guillem is 25 years of age.

They are not hitched to each other, however they are still attached in the present time. The youthful couple is initially from Barcelona, Spain and their relational abilities needed specific regions.

Their justification for meeting up on the show was to test their adoration and remain solid all through the show. In any case, during the primary test that the show put them on, Sara was frequently uncovered to play with men on the web and radiate single energy while Guillem didn’t focus on his relationship.

Whenever Guillem and Sara first met, they quickly fell head over heels and are still attached today. However, they in all actuality do have a few issues. The two disapprove of a couple of things.

One is that Sara thinks she needs to turn out to be more empathic, while Guillem feels their relationship needs correspondence. Essentially the group knows about its shortcomings and anxious to address them.

The couple seemed, by all accounts, to be still attached and communicated fulfillment with their appearance on the program. As a matter of fact, regardless of everything, apparently Sara is as yet Guillem’s essential motivation for his photography.

Sara’s previous housemate for most of the show, Inma Fajardo, and she seem to have become dear companions too. Notwithstanding the way that Sara and Guillem’s process was very troublesome, they seem to have risen up out of it more grounded than at any other time. No matter what the little issues, they have looked all through their relationship, they are as yet attempting to fix their disparities and move towards a sound relationship.