Gabriel had figured out how to evade specialists, as Pharr police were looking for him. His capture warrant was given in 2019 for a disconnected wrongdoing, however his demise was found in McAllen on Thursday.

Quintanilla was supposedly beaten with knuckle reinforcements and tossed into the rear of a truck.

Who Is Alejandro Treviño Santos? Regarding the killing of 42-year-old Gabriel Quintanilla, police kept 18-year-old Alejandro Treviño Santos, 17-year-old Christian Treviño, and 18-year-old Juan Eduardo Melendez.

The two brothers are stepbrothers to the youngster whom Gabriel manhandled and have separate mothers. The three suspects were captured and charged on Sunday. Alexandro is blamed for disturbed attack and taking part in coordinated crime.

Vice president Juan Gonzalez asserted that Alejandro isn’t accused of capital homicide since his brother and Melendez are blamed for incurring deadly blows.

Gabriel Quintanilla Murder As Texas Brothers Beat Stepfather To Death The examination of the homicide of Gabriel Quintanilla, the stepfather, by Texas brothers has been gone over to the Pharr Police Department, as indicated by McAllen Police Department Lt. Joel Morales.

The threesome left the area and changed vehicles from a red Dodge Charger to a truck prior to getting back to the mind boggling, where they saw Quintanilla meandering alone.

The specialists accept the casualty was beaten with knuckles in the head and may have been alive when the culprits unloaded him in the field. Police guaranteed that Gabriel had a capture warrant for him in a different case for persistent sexual maltreatment of a minor, attack, and family viciousness.

Pharr police expressed a youngster shouted at a RV park in the 1200 square of East Moore in Pharr. Quintanilla’s 9-year-old little girl was at last recognized in the scene.

— Newsweek (@Newsweek) January 25, 2022

Who Is Juan Eduardo Melendez? Juan Eduardo Melendez, a companion of the Trevino brothers, is additionally accused of a maryjane ownership charge against him.

The charges of Christian and Melendez are capital homicide, irritated attack, and taking part in coordinated crime. Alejandro is hung on a $1 million bond, while Christian is hung on a $1.5 million bond. Melendez is being hung on bail of $1,502,000,000.

While Christian and Melendez confronted the adjudicator, Alejandro held his head down for the rest of the arraignment.