The police and US marshals were attempting to capture her for obstructing a functioning examination.

Notwithstanding, subsequent to being perceived by the police, she was uncuffed and went out with her two small kids.

The taking shots at Robb Grade School has carried cruel analysis to Uvalde Police.

A guardians even encouraged the police to storm the school. Many guardians traveled forty miles to the school when they found out about the assault.

They saw the hysterical police capturing their youngster. Angeli Rose Gomez says she was not by any means the only one who saw the shooting.

Regardless of the way that her little girl was shot and killed, she saw the police bother the guardians as they hung tight for the shooting suspect to be captured.

The mother of two understudies at Robb Primary School was cuffed and begged the police to storm the structure to stop the 18-year-old shooter.

The two kids were not do any harm, however Angeli Rose Gomez was bound and set in binds by government marshalls.

Angeli Rose Gomez said she had to separate from her boys “just so my sons don’t feel like they have to watch cops passing by, stopping”

— philip lewis (@Phil_Lewis_) June 26, 2022

The US marshalls confined her for impeding a functioning examination.

She was subsequently delivered in the wake of arguing for her youngsters and persuading neighborhood police to get her delivery.