On Tuesday, December 27, the 57-year-old legislator took to his Twitter handle to share a string about his expectations about world governmental issues. He tweeted this:


Medvedev started the string by anticipating expanded oil and gas costs and finished it by expressing that computerized government issued types of money will be utilized rather than Euro and Dollar as worldwide save monetary forms.

To this, Twitter President Musk answered, “Amazing string!!” and was hammered online for his reaction.

All you want to be familiar with Dmitry Medvedev and his accurate expectations for 2023

Brought into the world on September 14, 1965, Dmitry Medvedev is a Russian legislator who recently filled in as the state’s leader and top state leader.

From 1990 to 1999, Medvedev was a regulation teacher at St. Petersburg State College while in this way working at the express’ city hall leader’s office. At that point, he ran into future Russian president Vladimir Putin.

He developed near Putin and headed his official political race in 2000. After three years, Medvedev turned into Putin’s head of staff, and in 2005, he was named the principal agent state leader. He made his name and turned into a capable chairman yet additionally drew reaction over his deference for Western mainstream society.

On May 7, 2008, Dmitry Medvedev turned into the Russian president and promptly named Putin his state head. The pair cooperated as areas of strength for a. Russia’s most noteworthy accomplishment under his organization was its promotion to the World Exchange Association December 2011.

He filled in as the president for quite a long time, till May 7, 2012, and didn’t remain in the re-decisions.

In his extensive Twitter string, Dmitry Medvedev anticipated that oil and gas costs would rise. He kept expressing that the Assembled Realm will rejoin the European Association, which will at last implode. The euro will likewise turn into a “previous EU cash.”

Medvedev went on by expressing that France will go into battle with The Fourth Reich, which will include “the region of Germany and its satellites, i.e., Poland, the Baltic states, Czechia, Slovakia, the Kiev Republic, and different pariahs.”

He additionally anticipated that Europe will be partitioned, Northern Ireland will join the Republic of Ireland, and Poland will be repartitioned all the while.

Dmitry added that a nationwide conflict will break out in the US, with California and Texas becoming free states. He additionally expressed that Mexico and Texas will frame an associated state. He additionally anticipated Elon Musk’s future, expressing:

“[Musk] will win the official political race in various states which, after the new Considerate Conflict’s end, will have been given to the GOP.” Medvedev likewise anticipated the biggest securities exchanges and expressed that monetary action will move from Europe and the US to Asia.

Elon Musk was hammered online for his reaction to Dmitry Medvedev’s expectations After Elon Musk answered “awe-inspiring string” on Medvedev’s expectations for 2023, a few clients pummeled the stage’s Chief. Twitterati censured him for favoring the Russian chief and advancing his expectations about the “nationwide conflict” and being chosen president in 2023.