As the fresh insight about her vanishing became exposed, one of Burton’s collaborators supposedly guaranteed that the youngster told her sister she would prefer to stop the entry level position program rather get ended for missing a day of work.

Albeit the data has not been checked, Burton’s kindred Disney School Program understudies (CPs) took to online entertainment to share that missing a day of work at the Disney School Program without a substantial reason might bring about a representative’s end.

One Reddit client likewise shared that other CPs began enquiring about Burton the second her missing report was made accessible to the general population. They likewise referenced that the conditions of Marisia Burton’s vanishing were odd:

All the more as of late, Burton’s family shared potential worries about illegal exploitation after she purportedly appeared at a Houston police headquarters with an obscure man and requested that authorities take her name off the missing individual’s rundown.

Marisia Burton’s took to online entertainment to share that her niece was seen at the police headquarters with a “peculiar man” who purportedly requested that Burton “arrive quickly!” The auntie likewise guaranteed that she accepted her niece was being dealt to Mexico:

“She is being dealt! Each and every individual who can get to 2202 St. Emanuel Houston, Texas to prevent this man from taking her [sic]. On the off chance that he leaves with her she’ll be in Mexico!”

Burton’s family is requesting the public’s assistance with data on Burton’s whereabouts. They will get tips on the email bringmarisiahome@gmail./com and are additionally requesting that individuals contact the Orange Region Sheriff’s Specialty at their gave contact number.

Marisia Burton is a missing 19-year-old young lady from Houston, Texas, who lived in Focal Florida preceding her vanishing on December 22. As per her sister’s web-based entertainment post, Burton was portrayed as 5’6 weighing around 130 lbs, with earthy colored eyes and dark hair.

The high schooler took part in the Disney School Program and functioned as a Walt Disney World Hotel Cast Part in Orlando. The paid entry level position program is intended for college understudies who have finished their undergrad studies.

Burton has been living in Orlando since January 2022 as a component of the Disney School Program and was most recently seen close to her local location in Flamingo Intersections East, a condo local area partnered with the Disney program.

No other individual data about Marisia Burton was made accessible at the hour of composing.