James Waithaka captured in Makongeni Peter Waithaka, 33, was secured on Sunday night in Nairobi’s Eastlands subsequent to being sought after by analysts for 48 hours.


A realized criminal who is accepted to be the top of a posse liable for the sunshine furnished burglaries revealed in Kilimani and its environmental elements in Nairobi has been caught by police in Kilimani.

As per a report by the Directorate of Criminal Examinations (DCI), Alex Marcopaulo, a Greek public, was killed in October 2022, and Waithaka is associated with being involved.

Waithaka moved toward Marcopaulo Waithaka is asserted to have moved toward Marcopaulo at the crossing point of the Menellik-Ngong street with two associates. He denied him of his assets. After that He shot him in the right half of the chest prior to getting away from on a cruiser.

All things considered, endeavors to save his life fizzled, Marcopaulo later died at the Nairobi Ladies’ medical clinic.

Waithaka delivered following 6-year Sentence Waithaka was as of late let out of jail in the wake of carrying out a 6-year punishment for a comparable offense, as per DCI. In a different episode on September 29, the outfitted hooligans greeted four Dutch vacationers outside a Silver Harbor loft along Kindaruma street . They denied them of their cell phones, money, and gems prior to getting away towards Ngong street on a motorbike, whose plate numbers were covered. “As they made their break, the hooligans discharged two shots in the air to drive away individuals from the public who had answered the pain call by the attacked travelers,” composed DCI on Twitter. “The Dutch sightseers were holding on to board a visit van to Nairobi Public Park when the hooligans caught in the 8 a.m occurrence.”

After his capture, Waithaka drove the analysts to his home in Wangige, Kiambu province. “where critical displays connected with the burglary occurrences were recuperated and archived,” said DCI. DCI delivered a clasp of hooligans burglarizing an outsider Simultaneously, DCI delivered frightening film that showed how executioner hooligans confronted an outside public and looted her at gunpoint. On its virtual entertainment pages, the insightful organization showed how the feared hoodlum liable for a progression of muggings and burglaries in the city and its environs greeted a gathering of Wazungus. In the startling video, two men are seen moving toward four outsiders and effectively denying them of their assets. Three of them had the option to move away, abandoning one alarmed lady who was mercilessly treated by the hooligans.

An armed and dangerous gangster responsible for the cold blooded murder of a Greek National on October 15 this year, has been arrested by detectives. The 33-year-old thug Peter Waithaka, believed to be the head of a gang behind the pic.twitter.com/SPo0sYzvFe

— DCI KENYA (@DCI_Kenya) December 11, 2022

They took her baggage and escaped. A security fellow monitoring a close by building attempted to seek after them however was frightened away by them.

Examination Continuous In the interim, examinations are in progress to reveal the personalities of the leftover suspects.Afende Mnono Posted This burglary’s essential suspect is at present in guardianship. The homicide of a Greek public will be the subject of charges against the 33-year-old criminal Peter Waithaka. At the crossing point of the Menelik and Ngong streets in October, the two stood up to Alex Marcopaulo and effectively got rid of their assets.

DCI Kenya Posted Perilous Criminal Captured FOR Homicide An equipped and risky hoodlum liable for the inhumane homicide of a Greek Public on October 15 this year, has been captured by investigators. The 33-year-old hooligan Peter Waithaka is accepted to be the top of a group behind the bars.