By using a web video altering program, the film provoked discussion about “regardless of whether the young lady was alive” when it was recorded or then again assuming it was a work of fiction.

We’ll clarify what the “Twitter Maggot video” is and why it’s causing such a lot of discussion.

Who Is Revy_55? All that We Know About Revy 55 is a Twitter client who has circulated around the web subsequent to sharing a foul video. The client’s character and subtleties still can’t seem to be delivered.

Revy has 2391 supporters since joining the stage in 2019.

Most of his posts are hostile, and many individuals are reprimanding him, while others like his work.

Besides, most of netizens accept that the first video was shared by the client @thatgurlgg1.

The record, be that as it may, is suspended, and many individuals are labeling him and leaving unforgiving remarks.

Santosogerio Twitter Banned – Watch The Maggot Video Numerous people like posting dreams via online media, while others use it to disperse information and mindfulness.

There is a gathering that much of the time post upsetting stories, films, and photographs via web-based media to accomplish notoriety and more adherents by causing to notice their material and, obviously, to themselves.

Essentially, an obscure individual distributed a video on Twitter half a month prior, and it became viral far and wide. The video was a while later reposted by people, for example, thatgurlgg1, santososgerio, tmzbaltimore, and some more.


— Trending News (@TrendingNews20) January 24, 2022

In any case, their record is suspended and the video was taken from the stage. Deplorably, the slimy parasite film has started to spread again on the web.

The video, which was subsequently brought down from Twitter, portrays a female with a genuine STD (an illness). The announced young lady’s wellbeing is downright terrible that parasites (worms) rise up out of her.

What’s considerably creepier with regards to this recording is that she’s seen carrying out a private thing with another man. The video of the Twitter Maggot is extremely startling that most people who saw it are presently kicking themselves for doing as such.

We likewise urge you not to watch it since it is hostile and you may not appreciate it. We likewise won’t post the video here attributable to its inclination.

However, on the off chance that you can’t avoid seeing the “Twitter worm video,” here’s the connection to the Twitter post with the “viral video of female with Maggot inside.”