“We don’t have the foggiest idea what befell her,” Teresa Robles educates Individuals regarding her missing girl, Adamaruis Garcia of Sovereigns.


“We are exceptionally miserable,” says the young lady’s uncle, Cesar Robles, who says he has felt debilitated since she disappeared. “We are truly missing her.”

On Saturday, Garcia went to work at her seasonal occupation at Regret 57, a café in Manhattan, from early afternoon to 9, to the surprise of no one, Cesar says.

After work, Garcia, who Cesar says is lovingly called “Yuri,” spent time with companions and afterward returned to home base with a collaborator, he says.

Garcia brought one train back home with a colleague however at that point got off at the Queensboro Square stop at around 11:45 to move, says Cesar.

“Since that time, we haven’t heard a single thing from her,” he says. “We are extremely stressed.”

Police actually look at the cameras nearby and at Queensboro Court and said they saw Garcia there at 11:45 p.m.

Garcia’s mom says she last addressed her girl at 9 p.m. that evening. “She said, ‘I’m working, Mother,’” Teresa reviews.

“At 10 p.m. I made an impression on her truism, ‘Where could you be? Come to eat,’” she says.

— MSN (@MSN) January 4, 2023

“Yet, she won’t ever reply.”

Teresa revealed her girl missing on New Year’s Day.

She and the remainder of her affectionate family have been watching for any updates about Garcia’s whereabouts from that point onward.

“She resembles my girl,” says Cesar. “I converse with her constantly.”

“We need to see her,” he adds. “We couldn’t say whether someone knows where she is. Assuming that anyone sees her, kindly call us and let us know.”

Peppy Young lady, with Splendid Future According to yuri, he, is known for continuously being peppy.

“She is generally blissful,” he says.

“She goes to class during the week. She works parttime toward the end of the week.”

She has a splendid future in front of her, he says.

“She’s just 21,” he says.

Garcia was most recently seen wearing a short dark dress and highly contrasting shoes.

She is depicted as being around 4 feet 11 inches tall and weighing 115 lba with earthy colored hair.

Anybody with data on her location is approached to call Wrongdoing Plugs at 1-800-577-TIPS.