Persona 4 Golden has a unique Social link (S-Link) storyline where you need to link up and rank up with a mysterious fox that looks after the people of Inaba. This fox represents the Hermit arcana, and it needs your help to continue being the angel for the people of Inaba. Now to build the social link and to rank it up, you need to complete the side quests that the fox gives you.

After passing through the Northern Shopping District, you will find a shrine, and this is where the mysterious fox lives. Now the Fox S-link will begin on the 5th of May. So once you meet the Fox, it will give you the “Ema requests”. These are the requests that people leave at the shrine. So complete these requests for the fox and your S-link rank with the Fox will increase from Rank 1 to Rank 10. So let’s take a look at the tasks that you will get and how exactly can you complete them here.

Having a higher S-link will mean that you have to pay less for SP recovery in dungeons. To be precise, the price of Yen required decreases by a value of 5. When you start, and you are on rank one you need to pay 60 yen to recover SP. But when you get to Rank 10, your cost reduces to just 15 for SP recovery. So having a higher rank in your relationship with the mysterious Fox helps if you go for long dungeon dives.

Now below, we have listed all the side quests systematically that you need to complete to go up with your Hermit social link. Make sure to follow them accordingly if you want to reach Rank 10 as soon as possible. We will start from the beginning here, which is the Rank 1 quest.

To go from Rank 1 to Rank 2:

For this rank up, you need to complete the Quest 7: I wish for Love. Like all the other quests, you will receive this as an ema request from the fox itself. To complete it, first, you need to speak to a female student in the Classroom Building 1F Lobby. Then the next day, you will meet her again in Classroom Building 2F. That day, you need to tell her “I read it”. The next day, just speak to her again in the same fox, and your quest will be done. Since it is the first quest, it is quite easy, but the later ones won’t be this simple.

To go from Rank 2 to Rank 3:

For this particular rank up, you need to complete Quest 8: I Wish I Didn’t Crave Snacks.

For this quest, you will need the Meat Gum item. You can get it from Chie by asking for some snacks on the roof of the school. Or you can wait for an enemy to drop it in the TV world. The chances are that you already have encountered one and you probably have it on you. Suppose you don’t then have to get it to complete this quest. Once you have the Meat Gum item, go and speak to a woman standing in the middle of the road in the South Shopping District. After talking to her, return to the fox, and your quest is complete.

To go from Rank 3 to Rank 4:

To get to rank 4, you need to clear Quest 9: We Wish Our Dog Would Return.

Just like the previous time, get the ema request from the fox, and it will tell you to look for a lost dog. First, you need to go to the Riverbank. Here you will find the bag if it is not a rainy day. Once you do find it, talk to it. The following day you have to go to the Northern Shopping District and speak to it again. Remember to choose “Talk to it gently” when the option pops up. The next day just go back to the Riverbank. Talk to it again there and choose the third option while doing so. This cycle of meeting the dog will keep on until you see the option to feed something to the dog. You have to go to the Souzai Dogaku store in the shopping district and pick up some Beef Skewer. Then once you feed the Beef Skewer to the dog, you can return to the mysterious fox, and your quest will be complete.

To go from Rank 4 to Rank 5:

To reach Rank 5 on the S-link with the fox, we have to complete the Quest 10: I Wish I Had Friends.

Once you receive the request from the Fox, you have to go to the Flood Plains area. Here you will meet a boy. Talk to him and tell him “I don’t want your money.” The boy needs a prize sticker item, and you can get it by ordering anything from the Sunday morning shopping TV channel. Once you do that, you will get a sticker, and you need to give it to the boy. On the next day, the boy will say that he now needs a kids’ sticker. You can get it Nanako by just visiting your house and asking her about a kid’s sticker. Once you have it, give it over to the boy. Then the next day, revisit the boy in the Flood Plains area and talk to him. Later return to the fox, and your quest is complete. You will go from Rank 4 to Rank 5 now.

To go from Rank 5 to Rank 6:

Now to move on to Rank 6 on Hermit’s Social Link, you have to complete the Quest 11: I Wish My Life Had Meaning Again.

Collect the request from the fox and then go and meet a man in the Shopping District North. Talk to him and when you see the option, ask “Want me to make it?”. Then you will receive an unfinished Model item. Take the piece over to your house and place it on your desk. Spend four individual sessions on this model, after which it will be completed. Then take the completed model back to the man at that same place and report back to the mysterious fox. This will complete this quest.

To go from Rank 6 to Rank 7:

To reach Rank 7, you have clear the Quest 12: I Wish I Was Better at Speaking.

Get the request from the Fox and get to the rooftop of Yasogami High School. Now for this quest, you will require high Understanding Stat level, high Expression stat and even high Courage stat. Only if you have these three, you can complete this. At the rooftop of Yasogami High School, you will find a girl. Initiate a conversation with her, and for that, you will need a high Understanding stat. Then come to the same spot the next day and talk to her again. When prompted, choose the option “Do you need help speaking?” Then offer her help by selecting the option “Give Her Lessons.” To even choose this option of helping her out, you will need a high Expression stat, as mentioned above. Now back again and talk to her again. Here choose the first top option, and when that is done, you can report back to the fox, and your quest will be done. Remember, though, to even choose the top option in the last conversation, you need to have a high Courage stat.

To go from Rank 7 to Rank 8:

Now to get even higher in the ladder of Ranks with Hermit’s social link, you have to complete the Quest 13: I Wish I Didn’t Fear Cats.

Well, this is a complicated one because to complete this quest, you need to complete another one. First thing first though, you need to get the request from the Fox and go to the Samegawa Flood Plain. Here you will meet a man who will talk to you about cats. Now for the next step, you need a cat outside your house, which again spawns only once you have completed Quest 20: Please Feed the Cat. So you need to complete that quest first. To get this quest, speak to the man outside the bookstore in the shopping district. He will ask you to feed a cat that resides in the Flood Plain. Catch some fish by fishing and then go to the Flood Plain to feed the fish to the cat. Do this repeatedly until you receive a book as a reward and your Quest 20 will be complete. Now the cat will spawn in front of your house. Talk to the cat and then tell it to follow you. Then the very next day, go back to the man in the Samegawa Flood Plain and talk to him more. When prompted, choose the option “Let him see”. Now the next day the man will want a cute fish. So go fishing and catch a Red Goldfish and give it over to the man. Then report back to the Fox, and your quest is then done.

To go from Rank 8 to Rank 9:

Now to get to the Rank 9 in Hermit’s S-link, you have to finish the Quest 14: I Wish My Wallet Would Return.


As usual, you will receive the ema request from the mysterious Fox and then go over to the Samegawa Flood plain again. This time you need to talk to a woman who is there near a shrine in the far left. She will tell you that she had lost her wallet. To find it, go over to the staircase in the Flood plains, and you will see a bush here. Examine the bushes, and you will see a Round Wallet key item. Get this item to the woman, and she will tell you that it’s not her wallet. Now go over to the North Shopping District and look for the lamp post near the shrine entrance here. Search the area around it, and will spot a Square Wallet key item. Bring that back to the woman and go back to the fox for reporting. This will complete this quest as well, and you will reach Rank 9.

To go from Rank 9 to Rank 10:

Finally, to get to Rank 10, you need to complete the Quest 15: The Shichiri Beach Guardian.

This particular quest requires you to fish a couple of times. Firstly, you need to receive the request from the fox and then speak to an old man at the Riverbank. He will give you the quest. Now you will require beach access to move further in the quest. To get beach access, you need to get a scooter and ride it at least six times. Once you do that, go back to the old man and initiate a conversation again. Go on asking him more and more questions until he tells you about the River Guardian. It is rare fish and to catch you need an Inaba Jewel Bug as bait. So get that bug by hunting for it in the night time. Once you find one, go to the river and fish for the River Guardian. The River Guardian mostly spawns in the river when it is raining.

Now once you catch the River Guardian, go back to the old man and he will give you the River Rod item. But that’s not all. Now talk to him and ask about the Sea Guardian. He will tell you that you need the Genji Beetle Bait bug to catch the Sea Guardian. To find a Genji Beetle Bait bug, take part in the nighttime version of the bug-catching game. Once you have that particular bug, just go to the beach and fish for the Sea Guardian. Once you catch the Sea Guardian, bring it over to the old man again. Now report back to the fox and your quest will be done. Your rank for Hermit social link will be maxed out.

Surely this will take some effort and time, but it will be worth considering the reduction in yen you get for the SP recovery. Furthermore, on reaching the Rank 10 on Hermit Social Link, you will also get the Gratitude Ema key item from the Fox. This will let you fuse the Ongyo-ki persona.

Now if you face any queries or difficulties while completing these quests to rank up, then comment down below, and we will get back to you. Also, be sure to check out our other articles on iPhone tips and tricks, Android tips and tricks, PC tips and tricks, and much more for more useful information.