Atlus’ Persona 5 is a massive JRPG that combines basic RPG gameplay mechanics with life simulators. This guide will help beginner players get started in this game. Persona 5 opens up with a lot to teach. Between understanding the story of the player character, Joker, and many of the supporting cast, there’s a lot to take in regarding this title. Normal playthroughs of this game run an average of 80-130 hours depending on what the player decides to prioritize. Does the player want to focus solely on getting the treasure of each palace and focusing on the main story or do they want to take it slow and build relationships with each of Persona 5’s robust and colorful cast of characters? These two points intertwine with one another, as building relationships makes the cast more powerful and unlocks new abilities to use when stealing treasure. This guide will help beginner players understand what it takes to maximize the playtime of Persona 5

The story of Persona 5 begins with our main protagonist, Joker, being wrongfully convicted for assault by a drunken man. Because of this, Joker is sent to Tokyo to stay with Sojiro Sakura under his roof and attend the local Shujin Academy. Once he arrives in Tokyo, Joker is pulled into the Velvet Room, where Igor provides Joker with the ability to enter the Metaverse through a mobile application on his phone. This is when Joker meets Morgana, an anthropomorphic cat with knowledge of the Metaverse. Both team up with future classmates Ryuji and Ann in-order to steal the treasures of corrupted hearts laid deep inside one’s palace in the Metaverse. As the Metaverse shows the true versions of one’s desires when compared to the outside world. Infiltrating palaces is where the majority of the RPG gameplay comes into form. There’s plenty to discuss when diving into Persona 5’s gameplay mechanics.

Battling in Persona 5 For Beginners

When exploring Palaces, players will run into Shadow creatures. These shadows are the primary enemy type players will encounter. Make sure to attack shadows in the overworld before they have an opportunity to attack Joker. By doing this, enemies will be open to attack in the turn-based combat. If the Shadows attack Joker first, the entire party will be stunned. Be sure to always attack first. Combat functions very similarly to the Pokemon series of games. Each Persona has its own typing weaknesses and strength. Doing the proper weakness for the enemy Persona will cause them to be stunned. If all the enemies are stunned, the team can do an All-Out-Attack, a flashy animation that sustains massive amounts of damage to the enemies. Messing around in the combat and analyzing enemies will show their weaknesses. On top of that, similarly to Pokemon, players are allowed to capture Personas. Players can only catch Personas that are under-leveled compared to Joker. Talking with the Persona and selecting the correct options will relinquish their masks, allowing Joker to add them to his weaponry. There are over 200 Personas to collect in this game.

Knowing Your Team in Persona 5 For Beginners

As mentioned, each Persona has its own strengths and weaknesses when regarding typing. Joker is a unique case, as he can select several different types of Personas and alternate between them during combat. Every other character is linked to one, single Persona, not making them as versatile when compared to Joker. In the beginning, the team will consist of four different characters. Joker, Morgana, Ryuji, and Ann. Joker can choose any Persona. Morgana has a Wind Persona. While Morgana doesn’t have the greatest attack stat, his role is best used for the healer of the group. Ryuji uses a Lightning Persona. Ryuji is best for using physical attacks to damage his enemies. Ann uses a Fire Persona. Ann is much more of a special attacker and can put enemies to sleep. Each has its own role to play in combat.

Time Management for Beginners in Persona 5 For Beginners

Time management is the most important aspect of understanding Persona 5. The day is broken up into different times. Morning, Midday, and Evening. Each of these should be maximized to their fullest extent and later in the game, abilities will be unlocked to add more time during the day. It really comes down to what the player wishes to accomplish. There are four major things players should focus on when spending their time. The first is with Palaces. Each Palace will have its own timer in the real world which determines how much time they have to steal the treasure. Players can either do the entire palace within one to two days or spread it out by doing other events. Other events in the day could be going shopping, spending time with friends, and going through Mementos. It’s important to use that time to its fullest use. The second is spending time with friends. Building relationships with Joker’s friends allows for unique story events and builds the confidants between the two. For example, spending time playing games with Ryuji can build their bond and make his Persona learn a new ability. These events typically take the majority of the Midday but are extremely important for growing. The third is the Mementos. Mementos is an optional area the player can explore in the early game. Here they can help out smaller Phantom Thieves request or explore for treasure. This later ties into unlocking more confidants. Lastly is to go shopping. Going shopping is important for collecting items to help during the infiltration of a Palace. Items that can heal, bring teammates back to life, and restore special powers are all very helpful.

Other Confidants in Persona 5 for Beginners

Aside from teammates, the player has the option to form relationships with other characters in Tokyo. These are all the additional characters outside of teammates that have confidants.

  • Igor: Fool Sojiro: Hierophant Chihaya:  Fortune Justice and Caroline: Strength Munehisa: Hanged Takemi: Death Kawakami: Temperance Ohya: Devil Oda: Tower Toga: Star Mishima: Moon Yoshida: Sun Nijima: Judge

Each of these characters of their own methods of growing the confidants. Interact with them frequently to unlock their abilities.

Persona 5’s long length isn’t one of those games that fluff its gameplay with mediocre content. Each hour of the game is rewarding as it helps Joker get stronger with each interaction. The balance between JRPG and life simulator is perfected in this title. The story is also incredibly engaging with its own mystery to solve and the characters are so well defined, they almost seem like real people. Its hefty playtime can seem intimidating, but within a few hours into the game, players will get hooked into this fictional Japan with no problem. Persona 5 is definitely worth the time.

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Persona 5 is available now on PS4 and PS3.