Do you ever look at an influencer’s sleek online presence and simply want to be them? Well, that’s the power of personal branding.

However, nowadays the internet is a crowded place and you have to go the extra mile to stand out.

Therefore, we’ve analysed some prominent personal brands in Australia to see if we can work out the formula behind their success. Let’s take a look!

What Is Personal Branding?

Your personal brand is the way you present yourself to your audience and how you’re perceived. It’s the values, qualities and characteristics people associate with you.

It’s the same concept that’s applied to the marketing of products, services or companies, just transposed to individuals.

Fundamentally, it’s all about managing your reputation and making sure that you’re seen as a trustworthy person, an expert in your field and someone with a relatable personality.

Nowadays, the internet makes taking the reins in this regard straightforward but you can also get lost in the shuffle since everyone else is trying to do the same as well.

Why Is Personal Branding Important?

In the professional context of today, how you market yourself can be essential to your professional advancement. Having a cogent and consistent online persona is more important than ever.

While reputations can grow organically, the smartest route is to always stay one step ahead and be proactive about the image you project.

You’ll want to make it easy for potential clients or recruiters to find you and get a clear sense of who you are and what you can offer at a quick glance.

Particularly, if you make a living off of the internet by being a YouTuber, blogger or influencer of any kind, it’s paramount that you stay on top of your branding game to help your followers and potential sponsors figure out whether you’re a good fit for them or not.

How Do I Turn Myself Into a Brand?

If you don’t know what to aim for, check out our next section to get personal branding ideas and inspiration from Aussies who have mastered this art.

Meanwhile, here are some simple steps you can follow to get the ball rolling:

  • Learn how to write a personal brand statement—Who’s your audience? What sets you apart from the competition?
  • Develop a branding strategy—What tools can you use to put yourself out there more? Will you launch your own website? Create public social media accounts?
  • Monitor engagement—Are your followers interacting with your online profiles? How can you engage with them in a meaningful way?
  • Grow your brand—What other promotional avenues can you explore? Should you start a newsletter? Write an ebook? Take speaking gigs? Start a blog?
  • Regularly audit your success—Is what you’re doing working? Should you adjust your strategy to focus more on certain channels over others?

Top Personal Brands in Australia: Examples

To help you out, we’ve listed some outstanding personal branding examples for job seekers and established professionals alike to learn from:

  1. Emma & Carla Papas

Emma and Carla go by the nickname “The Merrymaker Sisters”. They’re entrepreneurs who teach online yoga, pilates and meditation. They offer the MerryBody app and also have a podcast.

They focus on body positivity and feeling good overlooking good, and their photos and social media reflect that. Their exuberance is highlighted through shots in natural poses that let their genuine smiles shine through.

Instagram: @themerrymakersisters (65.1k followers)

Industry: Health, wellness, fitness

  1. Denise Duffield-Thomas

Denise is a self-described “money mindset mentor” who refers to herself as the “Lucky Bitch”. She’s written books and offers courses for women on how they can change the way they view their finances.

Her white, turquoise and orange-tinted pics and posts describe her as a sassy, funny, busy but laidback mum who’s on a mission to transform lives, and she backs that up by donating to charity whenever a new client signs up.

Instagram: @denisedt (73.8k followers)

Industry: Business coaching

  1. Sue Bryce

This NZ-born photographer, coach and public speaker has spent 30 years taking stunning portraits of women and is now also offering content creation courses.

If you’re wondering, “what is a professional personal brand?” look no further. Her style is black-and-white shots and dark backgrounds which bring out her subjects’ natural beauty.

She also uses gold accents in her work and branding (such as on her websites and logo) for an added layer of sophistication.

Instagram: @suebrycephotographer (194k followers)

Industry: Photography

  1. Dan Norris

Dan is a business person who has created a variety of companies such as WP Curve, The 7 Day Startup, Black Hops Brewery, and Create or Hate. He’s also penned half a dozen books on entrepreneurship and even recorded the audio versions of them himself.

His branding is simple, hipster-friendly and beer-focused. He keeps his followers engaged by sprinkling in personal life and pop culture tidbits while promoting his businesses on his social media.

Instagram: @thedannorris (8.6k followers)

Industry: Craft beer, IT, business

  1. Rachel Corbett

“Media Swinger” Rachel Corbett is a podcaster, radio and television presenter and creativity coach who has a strong personal brand. Lately, she’s been teaching her craft to others by offering online courses in podcasting.

Her online presence is crisp, polished and unpretentious, and her brand photographs exude warmth and approachability. She promotes herself as an audio expert and has the resume and accolades to back it up.

Instagram: @_rachelcorbett (24.1k followers)

Industry: Media

  1. Leandra Brady-Walker

Dr. Leandra Brady-Walker is a Victorian chiropractor known as the “Cosmopolitan Hippy” who has published a wellness book for women and a cookbook for those struggling with food intolerances.

Looking at her social media profiles, you’ll immediately understand why she calls herself a hippie. Her images are colourful, vibrant and always different. She definitely thinks outside the box and isn’t afraid to be herself.

Instagram: @cosmohippy (7k followers)

Industry: Health, wellness

  1. Ben Angel

Ben started out as a personal branding specialist who labelled himself as the “Agent of Influence”. In recent years, however, he’s shifted his attention more to personal development and wellbeing, with a biohacking slant. He’s the best-selling author of Unstoppable, CLICK and Flee 9 to 5.

His videos project calm confidence and laid-back demeanour. The black, white and red brand imagery he employs at the moment is intense, bold and impactful, in sharp contrast to his previous use of relaxing blues and whites, reflecting the evolution of his mindset.

Instagram: @benangelauthor (22.8k followers)

Industry: Marketing, personal development, wellness

Conclusion: The Method Behind the Madness

As you can see from these famous personal branding examples from Down Under, there isn’t a secret sauce, really.

Whatever strategy you choose in a bid to market yourself more effectively, the most important ingredients are authenticity and originality.

Your success will come from knowing yourself, your craft, and learning how to best communicate your essence to your audience.

1. What are the 3 Cs of branding?

The 3 Cs of branding are consistency, clarity and character. Pay attention to all three to maximise your results.

2. Can an individual be a brand?

Absolutely, and it’s become increasingly necessary to develop one with the advent of the internet.

Check out the various personal brands in Australia we’ve highlighted above for concrete examples of professionals who are doing it right.