Pipes News, an iOS app that pulls together news feeds on technology, business, sport and politics, has received a major update, introducing a new look and a bunch of new features.

Pipes News works in a different way to conventional RSS newsreaders, the developers doing the newsfeed collation at their end–and including both Twitter and Wikipedia in the mix. This automated collation is either a good or bad thing, depending on your point of view … 

Pipes 2.0 comes with a great new design. Great new typefaces, integrated Stories, Twitter & Wikipedia views. […] We’re also introducing Pipeline. After popular request on App Stores across the Globe, Pipeline has come into existence. Pipeline curates all your Pipes in a very interactive UI. If you just want to quickly read through all your Pipes without opening them, jump to Pipeline.

Good because it’s easy. All you do is enter keywords, which are matched against the collated feeds on the server, without you needing to manually choose your sources. Bad because … you can’t choose your sources.

In addition to the new UI and Pipeline, version 2.0 of the app introduces a What’s Hot trending feed, News by Photos and smarter search, allowing for both misspelt words and synonyms.