The social media giant must be doing something right to have nearly 2 billion active monthly users worldwide. Unfortunately, the company is having to deal with some irate customers because of a glitch locking them out of their account.

How Facebook could lock you out of your account

Facebook is always coming up with new ways to keep its users coming back. One example is its Marketplace, where you can buy and sell items like on Craigslist. It turns out a bug believed to be connected to the Facebook Marketplace is locking users out of their accounts. Some of them are being kept out for over a week, and not just their Marketplace account, it’s affecting their main Facebook account as well. It seems that the problem began with a security measure to prevent fraud within the Marketplace. Everyone who wants to sell an item through Facebook’s Marketplace must first submit a photo of themselves to verify their identity. After submitting the photo, Facebook sends the potential seller a message saying it can take up to 72 hours to verify their identity. Instead of just delaying the users’ opportunity to sell items in the Marketplace, the bug is causing those users’ to also be locked out of their Facebook profiles. Some people are saying they’ve been locked out of their account for weeks. Facebook claims the bug has been fixed, however, people are still complaining that they’re having problems accessing their profiles. Other users are claiming to be having this issue despite the fact that they have never attempted to use the Marketplace. Here’s a statement released by Facebook representatives, “We resolved an issue in our fraud detection system that prevented some people using Marketplace from logging into Facebook. We have restored access to the small percentage of people who were impacted.” As you can probably imagine, there are tons of people upset about this glitch. In fact, it led to a firestorm on social media with the hashtag #facebook72hours trending on Twitter. Here are some examples of the angry tweets: Have you or anyone you know experienced this glitch? Leave a comment and tell us all about it.

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