Pet Policy At Zion National Park

The pet policy at zion national park has designed a pet accompanied trial, the Pa’rus trial which begins from the Zion visitor centre to the Canyon Junction covering a 5.6 km round trip along the Virgin River. The paved trail has an elevation of 50 ft and takes around 2 hours to share with your pet. 

Among the other trials, this hiking trial is considered to be an easy one which makes it an additional advantage to go on a memorable hike for any individual. The pet policy at the park is crafted with concerns for the animals and other visitors. With regulations from the National Park Service, the visit is curated to not disturb the essence of nature and the experience. Before you leap into this thrill with your pet, make sure to have a safe one too.

So, people have landed with their lovely pets.

What do they need to know?

Make sure to take the right path: Pets need to be restricted only to permitted areas. They are not allowed in the public buildings, shuttle buses, wilderness areas and other trials.  

A leash to reassure contact: Your canines need to be on a leash with less than 6ft length. This will aid all the visitors to feel safe to move around including your four-legged friends.   

Potty in charge: To help the fellow park visitors, pet owners need to be responsible for disposal of pet waste.

Play and no harm: The wildlife adorning the beautiful landscapes of the park deserve peace from us and our little friends. No harm or harassment from the pets can happen to the permanent residents of the park.  

Rules and fun can go together: Pet owners can access the parking areas, public areas, campgrounds, picnic areas and grounds of Zion lodge provided the rules are adhered.

Why would you want to follow all these policies?

A question any pet owner would bicker over, given the size of the park and its switching landscapes. The authorities find these causes to be a major factor in the policy shaping.

Not a good day for a swim:  

Any contact with the water at the Virgin River is prohibited for the pets, as there is presence of cyanotoxins and harmful cyanobacteria (update from Zion site on May 17 2022).  

This exposure can induce health issues as dogs are more vulnerable to the Blue-green algae. It can turn fatal in specific cases. Health advisory and warning advisory have been put on the major tributaries of the Virgin River within the park.

Hot, Hotter and Hottest:

The climatic condition at the Zion National Park is too hot in summer. A pet left unattended in a car or an unsafe environment is prohibited. The concern is plainly to eradicate the harm that can be done to your pet. 

A climate chart prepared by the National Park service has been shared below.

How does the above policy work for a service dog?

These special service dogs that we train to assist us due to a disability are permitted with the individual. However, one must ensure to not falsely pose the dog as a service dog. A false allegation might end up in federal prosecution. An individual accompanied by a service dog does not require to show any special IDs. The health/safety threats posed by the service dogs can affect the stay within a premises as per the ADA regulations.

Look through the Americans with Disabilities act to understand the privileges a service dog receives at a business space. (

Is there a fine for rule breakers?

The Code of federal regulations, title 36-2.15, has clearly stated the list of prohibitions, to which there will be a minimum fine of 100$ collected.

A few answers you might need before leaving us.

Is there a nearby facility for boarding kennels?

Towns of Rockville, Hurricane, St.George , Kanab and Cedar city will help pet owners with boarding kennels. In a world of wonderful species, a small favour towards animal protection can be practised through policies such as above. Let’s ensure to abide these policies to have an experience that is a lifelong possession.