Types Of Squirrels Found In The United States That You Can Keep As A Pet

• Prevost Squirrel—Although these magnificent squirrels are now rare and expensive ($1000 if you do find one), they are still quite beautiful. They have incredibly sharp claws, just like the rest of the tree squirrels, and they enjoy climbing up their owner’s body, which can be quite unpleasant for the owner. It will be more challenging to live with them since they need to be outside regularly and have a very harsh, high-pitched screech just because they want to leave their tiny, a few feet in height cages.

 Flying squirrels—Of all the animals on this list, they make the “greatest” pets. These tiny animals form strong bonds with their owners and can get along with people who’re not their caregivers. They are also quite affectionate. Having a membrane across their sides, which is a physical trait that allows them to float from branch to branch, they are also cool pets to keep.

Ground squirrels—Because of the shaking motions of their tails, ground squirrels are also referred to as flickertail squirrels. They should be properly cared for comparable to prairie dogs because they are primarily herbivorous animals. With some basic pet store bedding, they can be kept in a multi-level cage used mostly for hamsters or chinchillas.

Chipmunks – Few people are aware that this kind of little rodent is related to the squirrel. In the United States, chipmunks are currently getting harder to find. Despite having smaller enclosure requirements due to their size, many owners still keep them in big aviaries. Unlike grey squirrels, chipmunks are not enthusiastic climbers, and they can still thrive from a cage with shelves and areas to jump. Chipmunks may converse and show affection to their owners. (Unlike Alvin and the Chipmunks, which is not appropriate.)

Considerations For Getting A Pet Squirrel

Is it allowed to maintain a squirrel as a pet in this country? Squirrels cannot be kept as indoor pets in several states. Ask a doctor about the regulations in your community and state before adopting. Rather than trying to care for a squirrel on your own if you find one in your yard who needs help, you should get in touch with a wildlife refuge.

Care for a squirrel requires preparation. Squirrels need special care because they are predatory creatures and are not domesticated, so keep that in mind. First and foremost, you want to have your squirrel examined by a veterinarian. Adopting a squirrel requires a lifetime commitment. Squirrels lose their instincts for survival after they are domesticated.

Make your home squirrel-proof. You must allow squirrels to enter and exit your home since they enjoy climbing, playing, and hiding.  

Cover any tiny gaps to prevent people from stepping into them. Secure all pesticides and other potentially harmful items, including processed treats that your squirrel might consume. Never leave them alone with another animal, and always keep an eye on them.

What Is The Price Of A Pet Squirrel?

A pet squirrel may cost anywhere between $100 and $350 on average. The breeder, species, age, and quality have the biggest influence on prices. But before getting a pet squirrel, verify sure it’s permissible to buy one because many jurisdictions have laws governing the kinds of exotic animals you can keep as pets.

What Additional Fees Are There?

To keep the squirrel always contained, a cage that is at least 3 times tall and four feet wide and with a nest box and branches inside is necessary. Based on the scale and the quality of the cage’s construction, a reasonable arrangement can range in price from $180 to $300 or more. Some pet owners frequently invest in a secondary cage for usage outside.

A squirrel’s main sources of nutrition are plants, seeds, fungus, fruits, nuts, and leafy greens that are heavy in energy, fat, and carbs. The majority of pet squirrel owners frequently combine a combination of the foods above with easily packed squirrel food available at pet stores. A thriving squirrel might consume a pound of food every week costing you around 

Their teeth continue to grow throughout their lives, thus they must always have access to chewing material, such as hardwood pieces, a cow foot that has been cleaned, or a flavor-infused hardwood stick.

Squirrels enjoy socializing and playing together. Since they frequently prefer to tussle with small stuffed animals when they’re feeling frisky, putting one inside their nest box should be taken into consideration.

They also enjoy attaching to tree branches and perching on the cage’s sides.

Rest regular checkups or vet bills ought to be considered. From state to state, they differ.

Final Reflections

Never try to capture a wild squirrel for a pet. Many states prohibit keeping wild squirrels as pets or for commercial purposes. It is not a good idea to keep a pet squirrel with a dog or cat. Dogs and cats naturally dislike squirrels, and they frequently try to hunt and harm them and they should be allowed to live in the natural if we truly love them. Rarely, a health condition will make a squirrel unfit for release, but healthy squirrels are not intended to be kept as indoor pets.

Verify that keeping pet squirrels is permitted in your state. Call the Department of Wildlife (or Natural Resources) in your state to find out the regulations on keeping pet squirrels.

Ask breeders about taking care of pet squirrels. Once the squirrel has left their hands, you should confirm that they are still concerned about its well-being and care. Ask them if they will be there to help you in the future if you need it.

Select a breeder and purchase a pet squirrel.

Return to the breeder and purchase your pet squirrel. Exchange any essential documents, contact information, and money.